Monday, April 12, 2010

Mommy Monday

Back again to Monday, in which I have renamed as Mommy Monday in the hope that I can reclaim another day of the week as a semi weekend day. We do mommy things- stay in our pajamas, not clean and just enjoy our day without taking it too seriously.
Today, it is Monday, but I can't claim it's very mommy friendly.
6am wake up by toddler,
7:30 I actually had to get out of bed and feed the boys.
I was in a good mood and I saw this as a positive in our day, aside from the early rise.
Make breakfast, get the boys back to playing and then enjoy my own cup of coffee.
Made a bowl of cereal for myself and my cup of java. Eat cereal and received...
"Mommy need you" by the toddler.
That led me to build a track with the kids so they could play and I could continue to drink my coffee. Microwaved the coffee 1st time.
Before I could get the coffee the boys shelves fell on each other and I had to screw them back into place, clean up the mess and organize the shelves again- with fewer things.
And then my coffee went back into the microwave for a 2nd time.
I took the recyclables out, took some items to the garage and returned to the kitchen to not get my coffee but clean the counter tops and sweep really quickly. Wrong about the quickly part. There was a snail crossing the floor. What the hell? Where did that come from? Ick! I tried to sweep it out and it got stuck in the track. After five minutes I finally got it back into the garden- I don't think it survived but I tried. 30 more seconds for the coffee- it exploded- I cleaned that up- technically this was the coffees 3rd time being microwaved.
On the way back to the room, I stopped in the playroom to turn off the light and feed the fish. Simple, but of course not, 1 of the 3 fish had died. It was swimming last I grabbed the fish took it to the boys to say good-bye and flushed it.
Back to the microwave...time number 4.
Time 10:30am. Recap: make breakfast for boys, make train tracks, fix fallen shelves, clean playroom, take out recycling, sweep and clean counters, remove snail, feed fish, dispose of a fish, and microwave my coffee 4times before getting to drink it all. Not mommy Monday- mommy fix it day maybe, or just another day in our house. I don't think I can regain the lazy day as I have been bothered for hot chocolate and graham crackers 2 times while writing this, had to stop the toddler from taking down all the video game pieces and fix a ripped birthday card. Ugh!

1 comment:

Philly said...

This made me tired just reading it, Liz!

And I definitely have had days like this. :P This is probably why I shovel food in my mouth so fast, always trying to make sure I get to eat! haha.