Sunday, November 2, 2008

This isn't what I was dreaming about

A weekend alone.
No kids.
Wine that flows like water in a ever abundant ocean.
No kids.
A king sized bed, an in-room spa, dinner reservations.
No kids.
I'm thinking quiet, tipsy, sleeping in, slower pace, not having to leave conversation to change a diaper.
Kisses and holding hands with my love-the great ape that he is...

That is what I was dreaming about...
Instead I got...
1am pee wake up
5am pee wake up and my boobs are as hard as boulders trying to break out of my soft tired skin.
6:24am and I can't take it any longer. I need relief.
No pump, no baby, relief?
I sit on the toilet and try to express milk-drop,drop,drop.
This will take all morning.
6:30 and I'm in a slightly coldish shower, milk bags so full I can't raise my arms above my shoulders. Like McCain, but curvier.
I'm never going to get back to sleep- no sleeping in- no way.
It's 6:30 in the morning and I'm milking myself like a milk maid.
Just 1 stomach and a wet nose away from becoming a mooing barnyard animal.

Ahh-romantic weekends away from the kids.