Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Poop, Poop and more POOP!

Funny how my job is 1/4 poop cleaning and 3/4 everything else. It really is gross. Like today for instance we were eating lunch and the baby pooped. And with face still red, pooped again. The I ran him into his room and onto the changing table but it was too late. Poop was oozing out the slides of his diaper and down his legs to his feet. He was wearing pants and a bodysuit so- he also got lathered in poop as I tried to gently remove the encased pants and bodysuit.

I immediately cleaned his as best I could and stuck him in the shower. Then I proceeded to rinse the poop out of his clothing in my bathroom sink. Chunks got stuck in my drain- um ...excuse me- but I think someone forgot to call Hazmat? Do I get hazard pay for this? Someone, hello?

This comes a few days after doing the boys wash. While putting their clothes in the dryer I noticed they smelled like poop. Back in the wash they went and this time no smell. The load of laundry following went in and no problems- as I was removing the clothing a sock got stuck in the outer ring. I yanked it out and found...two pieces of washed poop. Someone must have had an accident and ditched the underwear before telling mommy. Those clever three year olds- always making life easier for mommy.

Ohh- I need some long yellow eco friendly cleaning clothes and a whole lot of eco cleanser and some bleach and maybe a maid, a remodel and moving- this is disgusting.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I need a whole to recover in...

How can so much happen in one day? Well apparently all you need is to be me and my household.
My toe is still throbbing after breaking in while off camping. No big deal as long as I get some ibuprofen and a couple of glasses of wine. So this makes it difficult at 11am while trying to feed the kids and get the preschooler off to school. But, I suck it up and move on.
Shortly after I drop off my preschooler I get rear ended by an uninsured motorist and for some reason, some how our registration etc. is in an big white envelope...at home!
Great, wait around and get no help beautiful! The entire time the baby is trying to run out into traffic, my toes is trying to double in size and I am supposed to be on a call. So exciting.
I finally get readjusted, am so behind in camping cleaning but we all made it home. I get a call to interview and cannot find anyone to watch the rug rats while I'm gone. Like I need motivation not weasel out of working outside the home. I rather get my business running but my husband has this weird fascination with having enough money to get the business running and keep the kids fed, rent paid etc.
Later that evening my mom figures to someone to babysit the kids- problems solved, the day is looking up. Hubby comes home, kids are fed and are being put in the shower. There we are all in the bathroom withe the monkey in the shower and the toddler trying to get in. Monkey doesn't want the toddler in and they begin fighting about it. Bam! Before our eyes but not seeing anything the monkey falls, hits his chin on the tub wall and splits it open.
So 3 year old Monkey and I are back in the ER for 3 hours getting 3 stitches. We are there so late that he calms down, plays and falls asleep after his stitches while I was still waiting for paper work. I said back because the cracked arm of his a couple of months ago.
Next time Daddy is taking him to the ER, I don't want CPS called because of my little dare devil.
So, the lesson plan and work I needed to do for the interview- pushed off, dinner doesn't get eaten, sleep needed. As soon as I get home baby wakes up crying and is up not allowing me to eat a full snack. Thanks.
This morning the baby drops the remote on my broken toe, the monkey won't eat and I still haven't written my lesson plan for my interview in 4 hours.
But, I'm still hoping for good luck...
while typing this blog my toddler pooped through his diaper and pj's, down his leg, and touched it. Yum. While cleaning him a raisin fell out of his dirty diaper- would that be a raisin from breakfast or a digested poop covered raisin??????
I need a hole to crawl into and recover and have a coffee. And by coffee I mean tequila.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Seriously- Can I have a minute?

Everyday -all the time same old same old-feed, clean, drive around, entertain, feed, change, bathe, cook, etc. etc.
I nag about not having time to myself.
I nag to my husband who will never get it.
I nag to my children who don't even know what I am saying.
I complain about not getting time to myself-
Monday I spent the entire day attached to my baby. Well he was attached to me and by baby I mean whining 1 year old. That high pitched whine that makes you want to jump off of a high rise onto busy Manhattan streets just to escape the noise.

*Probably the same way my husband feels about my nagging- but I have to share the wealth- right?*

The baby whined in front of me each time I had to go to the bathroom, while playing outside, while I was on the phone with my grandmother, in the car, in the play room, taking brother to preschool, you name it he did it-ALL day.
When I turned on my only sense of escape- my shower- I jumped in and there he was pulling back my curtain whining trying to get in head first.
"Give mommy a break, it's my shower" I heard myself shouting at him.
That lead to full blown crying, which lead to me picking him up and letting him join my shower. So annoying. My shower is sacred- it's the place where my brain actually works correctly and I think through things that need to get done.
Instead the baby stayed too close to me so I couldn't stand without falling. I would scoot him over and he would crawl back and whine.
Which lead to:
Cry, cry, cry- bad mom, worst shower ever, picked him up, put him down, he huddled on the floor of the shower like a turtle.
I ended up shaving outside the shower with him slapping my ankles and unrolling my entire toilet roll.

Really- just 1 shower- is that so difficult.

With my husband working locally for a few weeks he comes home ever night- helpful or?
So when the husband got home what happened? I tried to hand the kids over but it only lasted 2 minutes. I expected him to bathe the kids and put them to bed- he put 1 to bed and left to the gym. Great if I needed half help. It's not like I was going to take that time for a 15 minutes break or anything (God forbid) just going to clean the dinner mess and fold laundry.

Maybe I never get a break and my family recognizes that I should and will surprise me with a 2 week escape on a island with no phones or children? Maybe!
Or just 1 shower in peace! Maybe?