Monday, August 31, 2009


Let's just say that I like to be eco-friendly and do my part. In high school I found out that my favorite and fantastic deodorant/antiperspirant was testing on animals and I gave it up forever. I like to help with things that I can do without making life altering changes. I am not going to live in a tent or be hairy but really that isn't necessary. It's the little things that make large impacts.

Recently I changed from disposable razors to those with just the replaceable heads being disposable (instead of the arm and razor) so I can lessen the landfill impact or use less water and oil for creation or re-creation.
Little change but it could reduce my waste and really not change my lifestyle too much.

WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! Pivoting razors don't like my body. It doesn't work for me- I ended up looking like Bigfoots prettier sister.

Some how I noticed one day that there were long airs under my pits. What! I started shaving when I was 9, long before I needed to just to avoid this! And someone did notice- my hubby on fact said "I thought you were trying something new" eco-friendly natural sunscreen is trying something new, but being hairy is a whole other dedication. How do you not say something? Just an FYI even.

From that point on I stared while shaving until my eyes went cross and then shaved some more. The only way my pivoting razor would get the hair was to shave my skin off- ouch!

Next, camping where showering isn't a priority but still was done. After 2 days on the beaches in a swimsuit and 2 showers with shaving (lucky to get in this family especially when camping) and then one at home - I spied a disaster! In the car sitting cross legged waiting for the hubby to take our family somewhere- I studied my legs and found...the backs of my legs had hair on them. Not stubble, not ultra fine blond 'hair' (which I don't even get since I have dark hair and think my family must be the connection to modern man and the missing link)but chubby 6 year old hairy legs. Yikes! Are you kidding me- what the hell was the razor doing while going up and down my legs with soap, water and at times shaving cream- dancing? It was working about as well as shaving with the cap on.

Forget it- I will change some other thing in my life but at this point I am destined to buy disposable razors again. And I did! And now my legs are soft, smooth and look like I shaved rather than starting my winter coat.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


0k, really- the thing is I am pretty tired of being a diaper changer/mess cleaner. Somehow, I don't think my boys are ready to hear that though.
When should I broach the subject?

Yesterday at the mere idea of dirty diapers and needing to see 0 of them, the baby pooped. The poop was so bad that...when I removed him from his booster seat in the kitchen it began to ooze out of his shorts and down his leg and hubby had to remove the seat and hose it down in the yard. Gross!
I ran into the bedroom with baby held as far away from me and my arms reach could go, I even though about stretching first, but it didn't help. After I removed his offensive clothing and diapers it was everywhere.

I put him in the shower and began cleaning the clothing when what did I shirt was dirty too! Ahh,eww and yuck! Hubby comes in to check on gross baby and says: "You have crap on your arm."
I leave the children and dart after him scaring him with my poop covered torso.

So, after all is said and cleaned how do I let this family know I'm tired of dealing with the poo and that we all need to move on? I mean the baby is 15 months old already- come on have some decency. He's practically an adult, really.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sick time

It seems to me that I am not allowed to have fun without my kids or I pay the price of...getting sick and being alone said children.
Toddler is sick, preschooler is well into recovery and me- I get sick too! Unfortunately, small children do not like to rest, just whine!
So here I am day two of being dizzy and nauseous all day with a screamer and a 'tired of being inside-er.' I can't rest but am tired over not sleeping all night dealing with the the screaming baby. He kicked, screamed, pulled hair and hacked up his lungs all night. Poor baby and poor me!
Life doesn't stop- so to get better I kept making myself tea, homemade chicken soup for all and cleaned the windows, swept the floors, vacuumed tortilla chip and cracker crumbs, put toys away, changed diapers, made breakfast, wash dishes that didn't fit into the dishwasher, unloaded the dishwasher and forced the baby to take a nap and the preschooler to rest so I could grab a cat nap.
This didn't help one bit!! I was so sick and tired that by the time my hubby got home I burst out into tears.
His response:"What's the problem with you?"
Really "What's the problem?" I'M SICK Motherfucker! But, I didn't really say that-just cried more and gave him a hug that wasn't returned!!!
I even got stuck with dirty diaper duty. Then had to clean the kitchen after dinner.
Don't I ever get a break.
Wait... I did and am convinced that enjoying myself with friends and no children led to this sickness-damn circle of pain.