Tuesday, January 13, 2009

One cry and I lose my brain

All it takes is one thing and I lose my brain. All I had to do was leave my house ready to go to the gym. Sounds simple. But, it actually is otherwise impossible. My friend came over 1st to watch my kids so I could go to the gym and 2nd to hang out and watch some of our shows together and eat dinner. She is great! When hubby is away somethings are so much more difficult. As if the gym is the place I want to escape to- no that would be Nordstrom in my previous body with spending money or the spa for anything this size or otherwise! But, when I have to plan for it- it usually is a pain and something goes wrong.
This time I was the problem. Baby new I was leaving and cried. The crying sent my senses into a whirlwind and I lost track of what needed to be done. I started to feel like I looked like (can you keep up) a chicken with it's head cut off. The baby cried like he was in pain. I made it worse by having to refill my water bottle right behind him, and get my socks from my room past the hall where he could see me and just take too long to get the hell out of the house.
Once outside I thought my gym bra was in the dryer- I was wrong- so instead of dealing with crying baby 2009- I went without it (they're already sagging from breastfeeding- am I really doing more damage?
Half way to the gym I remember that I have not changed my tampon in a bit. I can't actually remember when I did change it last. So, it was probably time to do so- I search my purse- nope. Nothing.
At this point I just keep going.
Just a simple thing like sports bra and tampon can be the most difficult things to get right. Thank goodness my boobs are no longer the big D's and the gym had free tampons. You know if they were selling them I would probably find my wallet free of change. Naturally.