Thursday, September 2, 2010

More info of no importance

I have one husband, two sons and no patience!
The only way for me to get through my day is with coffee, wine or chocolate and all three make me ill- it's a sad existence. Unfortunately I don't have the necessary means to run to Prada or Target for that matter, every time I get pissy so caffeine is usually the key. Yes, it does make me sick. No, I can't quit it.
Breath, relax, take some time for yourself, make sure you get 7-8 hours of devoted sleep every night, drink plenty of water, smile, count your blessings blah, blah, blah this marriage and kids thing is hard! I don't really get a chance to do any of those things listed above, and I love to complain about it.
No, I don't want sympathy. I do love to hear empathic stories, aside from that I just like to bitch about it. It's how I cope and move on.
My truly great friends now how to have a good bitchfest as well as how to have a good time. I just wish they were present more often...but who has time for that with busy families and work?
I am fully aware that this is just apart of life, and it is ever changing. But, the amount of comedy I get from the frustrating days, at least after the day is over, is generally what keeps me going after the caffeine.
Today, my oldest didn't really have he right attitude before school so I stuck him in his AC/DC shirt and golf hate-at least he is dressing the part now.
My toddler drank half my iced pumpkin spice beverage of choice even though it isn't fall yet, while I was in the shower. Great, that is what I need a jumpy 2 year old with a caffeine buzz. Currently, he is slapping his leg while eating a banana- it's freakin' comedy!
Yes, I should have gotten up earlier to take my shower but I couldn't because that 7 hours of sleep I so desperately needed got taken away in the middle by a loud screaming sleeper, the same one who drank half my damn coffee today. Poor baby for the bad dream, but seconds later he was quietly asleep again and I was left with 3.5 hours of good sleep and 3.5 hours of worthless, not going to make you feel rested sleep.
Cupcakes after school today- why not?
I will need to clean the house at some point-grr. Husband is flying home tonight to not hear the waking children, not get up early enough to take the oldest to school and certainly not clean up after himself...ahh, I miss him during the week.

Tomorrows highlight: I chose a school that has coffee for the parents every Friday with pumpkin bars this week!!!!! Downfall, no kids allowed. Maybe, I can scoop up the big one and run out of the house before the husband figures out I have left the little one behind for him to watch while in one of several work meetings he will have over the course of the day. Hmmm. Maybe that will work. Hmmm. Maybe not, he tends to figure out my moves before I get them accomplished. Especially if he reads this.