Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year Cleaning

I decided to make clean up for New Years. This place is a wreck- we are too much, too big, too all over the place for this pad.
I made some goals for the beginning off the year:

1. Clean the carpets in the living room, playroom and hallway

2. Reorganize the playroom so the boys can get to all of their toys without asking for help or getting bonked on the head from falling art supplies. This includes removing the closet doors to expose that area, getting cubbies for larger toys and donating 4 trash bags full of toys. Yes, 4 bags of good toys. I said we have too much stuff! The boys share a small room so they can have a small room of toys or else they would be sleeping on a mound of toys and clothes.

3. Steam cleaning the tile in the bathrooms and linoleum in the kitchen.

4. Undecorating the house and putting the tree on the curb for recycling.

5. Donating 4 bags of toys, 1 baby tub full of toys, 5 bags of clothing to charity.

6. Getting rid of an old car seat.

Not in that order

1. I was going to clean the carpets while the boys were at my grandmothers house- she ended getting very sick so I put them in my bed with cartoons at bedtime and moved furniture, vacuumed, cleaned the carpets. 9-11pm. The toddler got out of bed 1/2 dozen times, at least. The boys didn't go to sleep until I was done and sent them to their rooms.
Now, in the day, there are some spots that weren't there before I decided to clean the carpets. Hopefully, I'll get them next time because I am not about to do that again today!

2. I'm about 1/2 done organizing their room. i stopped for nap time and the idea of doing it again today- makes me tired!

3. Can't steam clean if I don't borrow the machine from mom- still need to do that one of these days...

4. Of course I undecorated- I needed to to get the carpets cleaned. And, of course i forgot to put away something in the kitchen that now won't fit in the box.

5. Maybe I should can the charity truck to come here?

6. I don't even now how to get rid of an old car seat!

So far, I'm not really there with my goals but 1 down is surprising!